
Showing posts from February, 2018

Why Bitcoin is Better than the dollar


Melania Trump Bans White House Staff From Taking Flu Shot


From Muggle to Wizard: What it's like to Convert to the World's Oldest Religion

By Yaezamon For anyone who has taken some level of investigation into the world of culture and religion, one may have already found that Jews and Judaism are unique, because in a way, it is not a religion.  Some Jews are religious, others are not, still some are atheists, that's because generally speaking, Judaism as a religion is not faith based, but rather action and community based.  For most religious Jews, your belief is not nearly as important as your observance of a set of codes known as "Mitzvot."  There are Jews who study Buddhism, sometimes known as "Ju Bu's," even Satanism takes from Judaism's mystical branch of Kabbalah. So simply put, Judaism is not just something one "believes in," which makes it technically not a religion as most others.  What is Judaism then?  There is no one answer to this, anyone who tells you otherwise, you have to remember, there are usually at least three opinions for two Jews, a common joke.  There are...