Internal Martial Arts and Kabbalah
Article by: grasshopper Skinnybeard Did you know that the idea of separation "Kadosh" is one of the core concepts in tai chi? "Separation of duality" is an essential principle in esoteric internal martial arts. Both Judaism and internal martial arts seeks to bring the dualities together, between heaven and earth, G-d and Man, male and female... Tai chi has a system that maps out the body in a way that isn't uncannily similar to the kabalistic Tree of Life. With the top representing the "crown" or "kether," followed by "splitting of yin and yang" just like the splitting of light and darkness, chokhmah and binah. The body is indeed like a nation, and as a nation uses currency to circulate its energy, the body circulates it said own energy through intention, and blood. The Torah teaches us that life is in the blood, well, in the world of martial arts, blood is indeed the vital force. Speaking of the force, and spirit, the H...