
Determination that is incorruptible
From the other side a terror to behold
Annihilation will be unavoidable
Every broken enemy will know
That their opponent had to be invincible
Take a last look around while you're alive
I'm an indestructible, Master of War!!"

In many spiritual traditions, there's this idea of "ego death," or "spiritual awakening."  It describes something much like the body overthrowing the ego as the oppressive government, and becoming one with something much bigger, a universal community.  Like a military basic training, the awakening strips down the ego, and builds it back up from the ground up.

In Chinese martial arts, the body that is not controlled by a centralized ego is formidable.  Think of the liquid metal terminator, think of a formless glob.  When one attacks an entity that has become a part of the world, one is attacking the world.  In the original Star Wars movie, Obi-Wan said, that if his opponent kills him, he shall become more powerful than he can ever imagine.  Has Israel become that?  After her fall, after Diaspora, after the destruction of the Temple?

The first principle in Yang tai chi martial arts is to "lead with nothingness, lead to something unsubstantial."  It sounds counter-intuitive, but it offers an incredible military and martial advantage.  When the intention is sourced from outside of anything in the material world, then nothing in this material world can take it away.  Nations with leaders as physical humans, physical objects, or anything physical, once that's gone, it's gone.  Israel has survived this long, without a homeland, without a centralized leader, because she isn't defined by physicality, she is indestructible.

We've seen the proof that Israel can survive this long, it's time that the rest of the world gets some of that light.  Like any basic training in the military, the warrior is broken down then gets built back up again.  The new identity will be a part of something much greater.

If she can be THIS resilient while she's down, what is she capable of when she stands up?  Netzach is not just a word, it's the right leg that she stands upon, followed by her left leg of Hod, with the help of her Chesed and Gevurah, of mercy, compassion and justice, lifting up her beautiful history and culture of freedom and love, powered by her Dantian, her access to boundless wisdom.  Like a boxer who's been beat down, gets up and throws the last winning punch, with the music of Rocky playing in the background, crowds cheering, $50,000 cash in winnings awaiting...

The opponent, is of course the spirit of Amalekite, of evil and oppression in this world, and the weapons are a good sense of humor and spirituality.  Unless the moshiach can resurrect people, let's hold off on the killing for a little longer, and focus on peace.  The world is no fun if we all die.

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