END TIMES Interpretation of the Torah/Bible MAY SHOCK YOU!

According to some sources on Islamic Eschatology, two of the world's greatest powers shall gang up on the Islamic State, and bring about the "End Times." Who are these two great countries? Could it be, that there may be a scriptural origin? There may be many interpretations. In this interpretation, we will look into the story of Joseph in the Jewish Tanakh, perhaps some details easily glossed over or forgotten, or dismissed as "poetic talk." Or maybe it is poetic talk, we don't know. Joseph became governor in a pagan nation, his two sons are Ephraim and Manasseh. That means Ephraim and Manasseh, and their nation-state correspondents, may be associated with so called "pagan nations." At least there seems to be no counter-arguments yet... Ephraim and Manasseh were prophesied by Jacob to become a group of nations in the world. With the lost tribes at literally any locations of the world, where the possibility of intermarriage and ass...