knowing how to argue can lower the murder rate.

It was a cold black night, what? I was racist? Oh, OK.
It was a snow white winter night, what? racist again? Because I said white?
Look here, I'm trying to get a point across, there's good and bad in every group,
And how did Martin Luther king Jr say: "I have a dream!.... That a man shall not be judged by the color of their skin, but by their character traits".
We will try a different approach.
What makes a person restless? What makes a person mad to the point that violence is the only option (in his mind)? What is it that makes the difference between "no crime communities" and every day another death communities? Can it be that lack of a person using expression through speech makes the chances for violence higher?
If we look at the Brooklyn area, which is one of the most concentrated populated areas in the USA , we see that 2 communities Stand out with extremely low crime rates, and that is the Jewish community and the Chinese community, Jewish on Jewish, or Chinese on Chinese crime is virtually nonexistent, obviously there are exceptions, but that is the general rule.
At the same time we see the black community is constantly sinking into crime and drugs and the shots are heard all night long. Regarding the new mostly white hipster community it's too early to say, they just started migration to Brooklyn lately...
So we know that Jews and Chinese are non criminal (now that I'm thinking of it, we should be getting benefits from the government just for the fact that we are peacefully conducting ourselves and not waisting tax payer money that goes to the jail system, like "best citizens award" for all those who never went to jail).
The Jews and Chinese have something in common that the blacks and white Christians might not, this is the difference between life and death and this is..... THEY KNOW HOW TO ARGUE without getting bloody!
according to Kabbalah There are 3 worlds:
The world of thought  .
The world of speech  .
And the world of action (our world).
If someone has THOUGHTS which are disturbing him, and he has a easy time explaining with SPEECH to his friends what is bothering him, and he finds a solution to the issue without the need to go down to the world of ACTION, then this - in the long run - can save him much discomfort and even save lives!
Here's the catch though.
You need to know HOW to argue.
It could be you use your mouth to talk (and not only to eat) but you still haven't understood how to "give and take" in a discussion or argument, this is ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT IF YOU ARE WRONG!
Just like everyone else in the world, sometimes we are right and sometimes we are wrong, when sitting with friends and talking, it's easy and fun when everyone agrees with you, but if you are wrong do you also know how to accept it? Ask your friends if they think you know how to take "no" for an answer.
Another thing is, what happens when you are insulted or looked down upon, do you know how to let your friends know that you are not comfortable with the way the conversation is going? Do you know how to EXPLAIN HOW YOU FEEL? like "excuse me, but I feel hurt by what you said, I don't think I deserve to be spoken to like that".
During a conversation, sometimes you might feel PRESSURED to answer right away, if you answer right away it can later turn out to be a big mistake, if you feel pressured or not ready to answer yet, tell your friends that you need time to think about it and get back to them later.
We see with Hillary Clinton, she has a problem, and the most important problem is that she CANNOT see how she is wrong.
She will lie, blame everyone, cheat, bribe, kill, and even back stab close friends, just to keep herself on top and to cover up more of the crimes slipping out.
This vicious cycle of not good deeds is like what it says in the Talmud "a good deed brings another, and a not good deed brings another".
If someone is inside a vicious cycle of not good deeds, he needs to stop all not good deeds, and not try to cover up one with another, this will only lead to a long and painful chain of actions which are not good for the world or the individual at all.
As we said earlier, its important to understand when we are wrong and how to cut down on non positive things, and to add in goodness and kindness, this is done best by hanging out with good g-d fearing people, friends who are not involved in all the chaos of our lives, and talking is the best way to deal with most of our issues.
According to Kabalistic teachings, sometimes in heaven they decree that "these 2 will fight" but by the time it gets to our world, the judgement can be changed, and not necessarily does the violence need to take place, that is for the human beings in this world to decide at the end, because g-d gives us the ability to choose, he gives us free choice.
1. Never attack the person who you are talking to in a personal way.
Insults only makes the other person feel bad and does not contribute to the discussion...
2. Explain yourself as much as you can.
The other person might not understand how you think at all, he can have a different way of thinking and could of arrived at a different conclusion, so make sure you are as clear as possible.
3. try to talk to friends about a important conversation you are going to have, before you go to the conversation.
Talking about your conversation with friends before the event, can be a good time for you to hear what other people might think about it, also you are not under stress because you are just talking with friends, this can help you think better, at the end of the conversation with your friends, you should have a clear idea of how you want to approach your important conversation with the best results for both sides.
4. Before you go talking, Think about a solution that is good for both of you.
Even if your friend will not take your advice, the fact that you tried to come to a middle path, will show him that you are trying to be helpful and care about him, that itself can lead to solving the whole issue.
5. Talk with respect
A person's wisdom can be seen from the way he talks, if you scream like a child, it will show you as a emotionally unstable or immature person, talk with a smile, and low tone of voice, do not attack your friend if he doesn't attack you.
6. Timing and other things.
It's important that the time of the discussion and the place, are thought of, it should be a relaxing time and a relaxing place, the time should be good for both people, and the place should be "built for a good conversation" like nice nature, or a cafe, or just a nice walk around town with no pressure or predetermined route, a not good idea is to invite someone to a house full of garbage or not properly organized, or to invite them to a dark alley 3am, this could end off bad, but of course, every situation must be judged by the people and the situation.

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