What is exile in Jewish thought? Plus Bonus New Video

Video Article By: Yosef Edery

As time progresses, the will for true lasting change in the world, becomes more intense in the lives of those who cannot bear to see future generations suffer like they might have.

Every generation brings with it progress and development. in one word all the challenges of humanity can be summed up under the word: "Exile" and the progress of the world can be summed up with one word "Redemption", this includes spiritual and physical issues alike, not only that, kabbalistic teachings believe that all higher and lower worlds mirror each other in some way or another.

Exile is a battleground of wild character traits and the underdeveloped human war with itself to reach perfection, it is g-d's controlled chaos - free choice - platform where g-d is patiently waiting for humanity to openly accept his kingdom and will upon them.

the Exile Period, is like that of the baby in it's mother's stomach, he is growing in size and capabilities, but it is all done in a hidden way, the child's powers are still hidden, and the parents of the child still have time until they will witness the child's expression in it's full force and potential. so too, those who follow g-d's will today do not receive the full reward for their deeds now - it will all be openly revealed in the world to come - in the messianic era, when g-d will be revealed in the world.

Exile is also like darkness, which can be expelled only by light, to leave exile we need to leave! not fight Pharaoh or try and focus on how to topple his pyramids, instead we need to work hard to create the reality we feel is fitting as explained in the bible, just like the jews who left Egypt, they had a mission, as Moses said: Let My People Go! so they may serve g-d on the holy mountain, and once the Jewish People had the Bible, they had a new goal, a new destination, The Holy land of Israel.

And just like the end of darkness does not come through engagement with the darkness, but rather it comes through introducing a new light, so too, the redemption will come when we - in our mindset - move towards adding light in the world.

See This Video for an Explanation on this topic as well as other vital things connected to messiah and the redemption:



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