
Showing posts from May, 2017

CIA Mass drug distribution connection to religious education

So, those of you who are following the news or those who are interested can quickly discover that the government body of the CIA as well as the FBI and other groups within the government are directly connected to the huge drug business and bring in billions of dollars off the dying and misdirected youth of our times. In hasidic philosophy we KNOW that everything that happens in the physical world isn't a isolated occurrence rather it is a chain reaction connected to a spiritual occurrence. What is causing this problem where big governments have the ability to "stone the youth" and get away with it, not to mention, make a profit off of it? The answer can be found in the way religious institutions are teaching these days. Today in many religious schools the students "get high" off of the bible or whatever else they might be learning, the teachers "infuse them with fire and a passion for the word of g-d". But there are a few things that are usually l...


"Indestructible! Determination that is incorruptible From the other side a terror to behold Annihilation will be unavoidable Every broken enemy will know That their opponent had to be invincible Take a last look around while you're alive I'm an indestructible, Master of War!!" In many spiritual traditions, there's this idea of "ego death," or "spiritual awakening."  It describes something much like the body overthrowing the ego as the oppressive government, and becoming one with something much bigger, a universal community.  Like a military basic training, the awakening strips down the ego, and builds it back up from the ground up. In Chinese martial arts, the body that is not controlled by a centralized ego is formidable.  Think of the liquid metal terminator, think of a formless glob.  When one attacks an entity that has become a part of the world, one is attacking the world.  In the original Star Wars movie, Obi-Wan said, that if ...


Ever have someone ask you a question so stupid, you had to answer in sarcasm?  There are things in this world probably shouldn't be said directly, but rather indirectly?  Why?  Well here's a parable: When Murica gets attacked by the evil British redcoats, they for the most part fought back directly, line and file, but a big part of their success can be arguably be attributed to their use of guerrilla warfare, as portrayed by the highly unrealistic movie The Patriot, with Mel Gibson, so indirect responses can sometimes be quite useful.  Actually maybe this is not a parable, a parable would be "a parable is like Murica."  As you can see, I used a parable to describe a more lengthy parable, to save time and space.  That's why people use parables, and also to sound deep, because the deep end of the pool is more fun than the shallow end.  See? I made another parable, I'm like a parable factory. If King Solomon didn't use parables, the Book of So...

MESSIAH is entering and all GOVERNMENTS MUST Comply

This is what we know so far: Countless stories of human suffering conclude the unfortunate reality that... The government literally sees people as chewable bubble gum... As of now we are experiencing a situation were private Success is repeatedly crushed by the majority of government/corrupt governments, they don't miss an opportunity to make people miserable, perhaps they get points for their practice of "devil 👿 worship 🛐" according to which  causing suffering is good, and "feeds Satan power" which he "shares with his followers"... or in simple scientific terms, PSYCHOPATHS, sociopaths etc. Not to mention the fact that government sees private success as a threat to their own power.... If we turn to Jewdaisim for information on this topic, there is no shortage... In the Jewish Mishna in "ethics of our fathers" it says the following: "be weary of the 'permission' (authorities), it seems like they...

If you are ready you should join now

During world War 2 different countries joined the action at different stages. Likewise is the process in relation to the "ultimate and complete redemption", or the "Messianic era". The "Private redemption" will come before the "General redemption". In other words private people will experience the redemption before their peers do, this all depends on how early on, you involve yourself... It's important to understand that Messiah's arrival will NOT be something huge, instant and miraculous, which will "fix EVERYTHING". As Maimonides says in his book on Jewish Law called: "the strong hand" in the last chapter, he says that the transition between exile and The Redemption, will be a Natural one. The thing is that, "the world to come" can mean 2 things. 1. It could mean "heaven" or "the garden of Eden". 2. Or it could be referring to "the world of Moshiach/ Messiah " which tak...

Eye opening Religious wars with secret services

A Jewish child grows up in the inner city of Brooklyn NY, attends the local Jewish private school while his parents work hard day and night, he is taught the bible and it is up to him to apply it's lessons to his life, so goes his life for the most part, in school, many fellow students are striving to do the best in refinement of character and service of g-d through prayer, learning and acts of kindness to their fellow man. A Christian child in a small village in the USA attends public school, his parents work hard to keep things in order so their lives are stable enough for their kids to grow up happy and healthy, they'll cut the grass and ride their pickup truck, they'll water their flowers all along the front lawn, the child will Learn right from wrong a bit in school and a bit more at home, he wants world peace and hopes for a good enjoyable life. On the other side of town there is a house with a child 7 years old, he sees his father beat his mother, then watch his fa...

The Price of Freedom

"Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the inhabitants thereof" - Leviticus 25:10. Freedom seems like an important thing to the Jewish people, which only makes sense, when one realizes that Man is literally the image of a God who by definition have the absolute freedom to do whatever He chooses, according to the Torah.  Even the name in Bereishit "Elohim" means "He who delivers," deliver, from the Latin word "de-LIBERE" paints the picture of He who sets free.  He who allows Light to form, allows the forces of Nature to emerge, He who allows Man to choose. The above quote from the Torah is now inscribed on the Liberty Bell, symbol of American Freedom from British oppression.  Freedom means a lot to the American people, as it does to the Jews, as it does for everybody.  Take a look at the first verse from China's national anthem: "Get up! Those who do not wish to be slaves, [let's] use our flesh and blood to build our...

Moshiach News inner look at editors board

Welcome to the Moshiach News website, in this article we will discuss the inner build of our site and we will give you a inside look at the engine of our mission. See all our articles on:   Redemption is relevant  to both Jewish as well as Gentile scholars since everyone will be subjugated to G-d`s Higher Will, as stated in "Shoftm, Talmud Sanhedrin, and "The Laws of Kings and their Wars" to fulfill all the precepts in the bible/Torah. We want to collect a group of experts in various areas pertaining to the application of Divine Law that will become more visibly relevant following Redemption. This will be a collection of work from experts like Doctors and experts in all subjects involving an ethical perspective in its practice. Our first publication will include a variety of topics that have contemporary relevance and are intended to reach a wide audience covering topics that will undergo a drastic paradigm shift in awareness fol...

True Love is everything or nothing

Article by: Yosef Edery The concept of true love for a fellow human being - created in the image of g-d - cannot be more for some people and less for others, here's why. Seven generations ago in Russia the first Rebbe/Rabbi of the Chabad movement wrote "the written Bible of hasidic philosophy" this book is known today as the "Tanya" there he discusses the meaning of love. There are 2 basic kinds of love, one is a love which is on condition, and one which is unconditional. A love which is on condition, once the condition is gone, so is the love. For example, if a man loves his wife only because of external beauty, then if she is not beautiful, his love for her is gone. However if he loves her because she is a creation of g-d and he believes that this spark of g-d will shine, then the love cannot be extinguished. Someone might say "well, you just gave a reason, you love them because g-d created them, it might be a more spiritual reason, but it's a ...

I have done everything I can

Article by: Yosef Edery "I have done everything I can, from now on, do all that you can to bring down messiah".  That is what the Prophet and leader of our generation the Lubavitsher Rebbe King Messiah said to his followers regarding the mission of bringing about the ultimate and complete redemption. This came after over 40 years of the Rebbe king Messiah starting multiple campaigns to further the impact of Jewdaisim, Hasidic Works, and most recently and most importantly, the Prophecies and Message about the redemption. until this point, all those following the Rebbe's work thought that "everything is on schedule" that the Rebbe would "go open" to the world about himself being Messiah, the Jewish people would be united, and the young and old would join the Rebbe in building the temple on the temple mount and finally, the long awaited Jewish exile which has been going on for around 2000 years would end and the redemption would come to pass as writte...

Trump vs Hillary like never before

Article by: Yosef Edery You think you know politics, think again. OK let's see, imagine for a moment, I come to you and tell you that you have 2 choices, or to be ruled by a stern honest and pretty straightforward leader, which has a great disciplined family (trump) or by a fake, weak, lier, cheating, criminal (Hillary), which would you take? If we are using rational thinking, Trump supporters can be understood, they are looking for a safe life and the first option guarantees that more effectively. but why then, did Hillary have support at all? We must say that her supporters are not coming from a place of rational thinking, but from a slightly different place. Imagine for a moment you are a criminal, or like they call it a "repeat offender" you have 5 trials coming up, and you are out on bail, you love doing crime but it's getting harder and harder to do it, then you hear about Hillary, also running from jail, also being questioned about Benghazi and you really...

FBI DIRECTOR Resignation connected to Messiah

Article By: Yosef Edery Former FBI director has Resigned due to President Trump's relieving him of his post, interestingly enough, there are a few stances on this: Left wing 1: this is a terrible move because it delays the "chances" of a "trump impeachment" because it closes the "investigation of trump ties to Russia". Left wing 2: this is terrible because now Hillary might be put in jail, and perhaps even Obama, till now there was a way to stall trump going further into their investigation. Left wing 3: this is great, because - because of the former FBI director, Hillary lost the election... He should of never told the people that there is even a issue with Clinton during the campaign... Right wing 1: this is great because he did not do his job and turned into a politician, instead of heading the national security system. He also took bribes from Clinton... Also chances for Hillary and Obama to face justice for their crimes is starting to look li...

Mission... Oh No! it is True!

Article by: Yosef Edery on Facebook you have great people with great articles on all kinds of topics within the realm of Jewdaisim, full of inspiration, entertainment, emotion and from time to time a touch of logic ;) Yet, Jewdaisim in Truth, it's a mission, a beacon of light & holiness, which all relies on the success of preserving... the truth. What is truth? Truth: it might not be popular, classy, trendy or have a lot of hashtags going for it. It's not the first option most people will choose... you see... Truth has a competitor, its Username is: "FANCY LIFESTYLE" it's Codename is: "intellectual laziness" it's TRUE name is: "dangerous irresponsible selfish conduct" It's perceived reward is: "instant gratification" It's actual reward is: "blind eternal psychological slavery" Truth on the other hand... In the beginning, truth looks unappealing and unadaptable and sometimes ...

Internal Martial Arts and Kabbalah

Article by: grasshopper Skinnybeard Did you know that the idea of separation "Kadosh" is one of the core concepts in tai chi?  "Separation of duality" is an essential principle in esoteric internal martial arts.  Both Judaism and internal martial arts seeks to bring the dualities together, between heaven and earth, G-d and Man, male and female... Tai chi has a system that maps out the body in a way that isn't uncannily similar to the kabalistic Tree of Life. With the top representing the "crown" or "kether," followed by "splitting of yin and yang" just like the splitting of light and darkness, chokhmah and binah.  The body is indeed like a nation, and as a nation uses currency to circulate its energy, the body circulates it said own energy through intention, and blood.   The Torah teaches us that life is in the blood, well, in the world of martial arts, blood is indeed the vital force.  Speaking of the force, and spirit, the H...

In the meantime...

Article by : Yossi Edery  What have we not done for the Redemption... Today More than ever, humanity is kind, what have we not done? Today people give lots of charity, helping the needy is trendy, visiting the sick is cool 😎 #hospitalselfy #recoversoon what have we not done? The cry for justice for veterans who need medical assistance is crashing through the heavens, what have we not done? Truth and justice are coming back to the systems of government at the applause and approval of the people, what have we not done? It must be something else, it must be something we might of missed, Hard as we try to bring spiritual and physical together, it seems we might of missed something, Perhaps... But it must be something we haven't done yet, for if it was a good deed we have already done, then it would of brought about the redemption by now... Did we not read the Bible right? Were there a few things that passed our sight? Whatever you think can change the tide, Pleas...