CIA Mass drug distribution connection to religious education

So, those of you who are following the news or those who are interested can quickly discover that the government body of the CIA as well as the FBI and other groups within the government are directly connected to the huge drug business and bring in billions of dollars off the dying and misdirected youth of our times.

In hasidic philosophy we KNOW that everything that happens in the physical world isn't a isolated occurrence rather it is a chain reaction connected to a spiritual occurrence.

What is causing this problem where big governments have the ability to "stone the youth" and get away with it, not to mention, make a profit off of it?

The answer can be found in the way religious institutions are teaching these days.

Today in many religious schools the students "get high" off of the bible or whatever else they might be learning, the teachers "infuse them with fire and a passion for the word of g-d".

But there are a few things that are usually left out of the educational system, and they are, a full understanding of the bible and all its sub books, a clear understanding of the religious mission for the world, a clear understanding of the situation in the world today, and clear ways to make the world a better place.

Also, politics and outer influences are more important to reckon with then actually giving the youth the true "spiritual picture of the world today".

In simple words, today's religious schools are getting the youth "high" on Spirituality instead of turning their students into loving leaders with the information that they need to give truth, meaning, direction, and guidance to help the world.

So now you have it, the spiritual world getting high of Spirituality in a pretty useless way has affected the world and empowered the evil governments to be able to ruin our youth with drugs.

AE Analysis
Article by: Yosef Edery

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