Moshiach News inner look at editors board

Welcome to the Moshiach News website, in this article we will discuss the inner build of our site and we will give you a inside look at the engine of our mission.

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Redemption is relevant to both Jewish as well as Gentile scholars since everyone will be subjugated to G-d`s Higher Will, as stated in "Shoftm, Talmud Sanhedrin, and "The Laws of Kings and their Wars" to fulfill all the precepts in the bible/Torah.

We want to collect a group of experts in various areas pertaining to the application of Divine Law that will become more visibly relevant following Redemption.

This will be a collection of work from experts like Doctors and experts in all subjects involving an ethical perspective in its practice.

Our first publication will include a variety of topics that have contemporary relevance and are intended to reach a wide audience covering topics that will undergo a drastic paradigm shift in awareness following redemption that include an array of topics ranging from philosophy to politics, where the cognitive dissonance can be softened by familiarizing oneself with Hasidic and Kabalistic concepts. 

Anything with the ability to refine the process of thinking by refining us to a united vision towards the betterment of the world in anticipation of what will be imposed on mankind by the arrival of Messiah/Moshiach.

The method that we have chosen invites a body of diverse scholars who will provide the appropriate assigned didactic reading material. 

Learning should preferably be in a small-group setting where  participation will be enhanced by the collective force of the group applying the relevant articles with the discussion facilitated by our mentors who are prepped in the educational "mission-statement" in order to keep the group focused, attempt to engage quiter group participants while controlling the more domineering members of the learning group. 

Each exercise will terminate with a simple questionnaire to illustrate participant engagement in the topic and gathering feedback on whether the educational method and material was sufficiently organized  to deliver the particular message of the exercise while being integrated into the larger pool of evolving knowledge.

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