Trump vs Hillary like never before

Article by: Yosef Edery

You think you know politics, think again.

OK let's see, imagine for a moment, I come to you and tell you that you have 2 choices, or to be ruled by a stern honest and pretty straightforward leader, which has a great disciplined family (trump) or by a fake, weak, lier, cheating, criminal (Hillary), which would you take?

If we are using rational thinking, Trump supporters can be understood, they are looking for a safe life and the first option guarantees that more effectively.

but why then, did Hillary have support at all?

We must say that her supporters are not coming from a place of rational thinking, but from a slightly different place.

Imagine for a moment you are a criminal, or like they call it a "repeat offender" you have 5 trials coming up, and you are out on bail, you love doing crime but it's getting harder and harder to do it, then you hear about Hillary, also running from jail, also being questioned about Benghazi and you really begin to RELATE to her, and you say "if she is president, I'm sure I'll be able to get away with my own crimes".

With that perspective in mind, it becomes more clear why logic never seemed to convince certain non trump supporters to" join the trump train" because it was never about logic, unfortunately, it was about "ME" and getting away with as much as I can...

In my opinion, this was truly a battle of good versus evil, and against all rigging and all odds, the good won.

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