FBI DIRECTOR Resignation connected to Messiah

Article By: Yosef Edery

Former FBI director has Resigned due to President Trump's relieving him of his post, interestingly enough, there are a few stances on this:

Left wing 1: this is a terrible move because it delays the "chances" of a "trump impeachment" because it closes the "investigation of trump ties to Russia".

Left wing 2: this is terrible because now Hillary might be put in jail, and perhaps even Obama, till now there was a way to stall trump going further into their investigation.

Left wing 3: this is great, because - because of the former FBI director, Hillary lost the election... He should of never told the people that there is even a issue with Clinton during the campaign...

Right wing 1: this is great because he did not do his job and turned into a politician, instead of heading the national security system. He also took bribes from Clinton... Also chances for Hillary and Obama to face justice for their crimes is starting to look like a good possibility, not to mention the entire "deep state" and so on. And now finally, the full investigation into the CONTENTS of Hillary and Podesta emails (murders, human trafficking, money theft, Benghazi and much more) can be investigated and those responsible will finally be brought to justice.

Right wing 2: this is not good, because "notice who is sitting next to trump, when he says the news about firing the former FBI director... Rockefeller! which is one of the biggest piles of trash today, also the hand gesture trump makes..." and trump starts talking about Syria and wars, more bloodshed, something the illuminati like a lot, in their language "population control" or in English "murder"...."trump is still compromised and controlled by the deep state or was always a part of them".

There might be more, but that's what I came across so far...

well now, with so many options it could be hard to know if to "laugh or cry" but no fear, we give you one more opinion, that which is based off the prophecy of the Rebbe king Messiah!

The prophecy is: "ever since the fall of communism, we will continue to see miracles and changes in governments, for the good, just and straightforwardly conduct way of governance throwout the world, this is all as a preparation and a taste of the revelation and arrival of Messiah".

In other places the Rebbe says the reason for these occurrences are the spreading of the message of Redemption to the world and that the more the world prepares and accepts Messiah upon themselves, the more miracles and fulfilment of the Prophecies we will see, including the wars in the Arab countries, the Rebbe said this powerful prophecy over 20 years ago, been right so far.

So in conclusion? Yes, it was a good thing. (right wing 1) No worries. G-d is playing his magic and preparing the world for the redemption. "evil players" might of even suggested this move, but g-d is the true magician here...

Like the Prophet the Lubavitsher Rebbe king Messiah brought down in his prophecy:

"everything I'm doing, I'm doing only for you, why are you scared?, don't be scared, the Time for your redemption has arrived".

P. S. From the fact that the Rebbe uses Russia as an example of a government gone RIGHT I think it's safe to say that Russia and Trump are both on the side of the good. That can perhaps explain why the left felt it so "convenient" to pin their problems with Trump on Russian! "killing 2 birds with one stone" or at least trying.

Also interesting to note that out of all weird things, the left in America is no ANTIFASCIST? In my wildest dreams I couldn't of thought of that! But that explains it! The same ones that have a issue with the Justice being served in America are the same communists that were already thrown out of Russia!

Remember, the Rebbe king Messiah said this prophecy over 20 years ago, word for word is not even good enough words to describe it in my opinion.

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